Tuesday, October 30, 2012

GUEST POST: The very best things that happened in Oxford

Wotcher, readers! This is Neenuh PPG (née Neenuh PP) creeping on me mumsie's blog to drop some truth bombs about Oxford. What follows are the Very Best Things we encountered in the city where people have been getting their learning on since about a million years before you were even born.

No. 1: The Very Best Cream Tea

If you're a regular reader of MaPP's Travels, you know her preferred form of indulgence is a lovely Cream Tea. Being somewhat of a connoisseur of foreign pastries myself, I made a point to sample this afternoon snack staple every blessed day I've been here (according to Ma's Points Plus Pedometer we've trot-trot-trotted approximately 30 miles since I've arrived, so it's allowed).

I had a feeling Oxford's offerings would be the bestest, and, dear readers, this City of Dreaming Spires did not disappoint. We chose The Grand Café on High Street as our venue based on both the classy pale blue paint and fancy gold lettering of its facade, and its sign boasting its status as the first coffee shop in the world (est. 1650). 

We ordered two cream teas, pip pip, and a pot of lavender tea, cheers. Oh My Lace Glove was it good. And fancy. And so very restorative after hours of trotting in the drizzle. We were in heaven.

No. 2: The Very Best Film Shooting

Ma P-P and I were just minding our own business, tucking into our delightful lunch at The Rose of pumpkin soup with rosemary and feta and smoked salmon sandwiches with cream cheese, cucumber and watercress, when we saw this olden carriage driving down the street atop a film rig! With footmen!

I'm pretty sure the people "driving" the carriage were celebrities, but we didn't want to ruin the shot by getting all up in their grills to see who they were. Colin Firth? Jonathan Rhys Meyers? Robert Pattinson? QUITE POSSIBLY.

No. 3: The Very Best Celebrity Sighting

Wotcher, Camilla! How lovely to see you here! Are you enjoying your new step-daughter-in-law? Would you care for a gherkin? Bought any new fascinators lately? Cheerio, darling!

No. 4: The Very Best Aerial Views

After peering through the gates of several of Oxford's colleges (they were all closed to visitors), and then peering through the windows of the Radcliffe Camera (also closed to visitors), we were delighted to actually be allowed to go in somewhere. That somewhere was The University Church of St. Mary the Virgin, where we paid 6 pounds to go up the dizzying spiral staircase and were rewarded with lovely views of the town.

No. 5: The Very Best Time with My Mama

Today is my last day before heading back to the States. I want to take the opportunity to give a shout out to Ma P-P for being a Hostess with the Mostess and helping me find a really great new hat. I love you Mumsie-Poo!

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